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Security and Health Protection

Questions for Steve Barzacca, Directeur du Département Sécurité and Pierre-Marc Capitaine, Chef de projet, Département Qualité, Sécurité, Environnement et Énergie.
The new Center for rescue service will be opened in 2021. Your mission was the coordination of security and health protection. What about safety and health in the workplace? What did you have to consider in your mission?
Our main task of safety and health coordination is to identify safety deficiencies on the construction site. During the project phase, we draw up a General Health and Safety Plan specific to the worksite, ensuring that the general principles of prevention in terms of health and safety are considered. During the realization of the work, we ensure: the implementation of the general principles of prevention and safety, the respect of the General Safety and Health Plan, the organization between employers, the respect of the Luxembourg regulations in force.
In doing so, we rely on the regulations defined by the I.T.M. (Inspection du travail et des mines) as well as the recommendations of the AAA (Association d’assurance accident).
Our objective is to ensure that Luxembourg safety regulations are respected by providing solutions so that all companies work safely throughout the duration of the worksite.
The difficulty in this project was to coordinate all the companies (almost 150 companies were involved in the project). Coactivity can be a major accident risk and our job is also to ensure that the companies are properly coordinated.
The year 2020 was marked by COVID-19, and it is also part of our mission to establish prevention rules and ensure they are respected. In agreement with the project owner and the project manager, we have been able to set up means of prevention in accordance with government health regulations, such as the wearing of masks, a washing point, training/awareness raising for each person entering the site, etc…
The protection of citizens is an important task for the CGDIS, the protection of the rescuers during their work and training is important too. May you please explain to the readers how your work supports and protects the rescuers and firemen?
During the construction phase we discussed with the fire brigade about their needs in the use of this building. In collaboration with the companies present on the site, the project manager and CGDIS, we produced a Dossier Adapted to the Work. This will enable us to carry out the work and maintenance of the installations during the operating phase, with our advice on the specific safety aspects of this building. We also had to ensure the access paths for the emergency services, which also required cooperation with the various intervention services and companies.
What about the development of security and health protection in public buildings in general have the requirements changed during the last years, due to terror threats?
Safety on building sites is becoming increasingly important in Luxembourg. Safety requirements change over the years, but also the technical solutions are becoming more and more effective in terms of safety. These changes can be seen in the fall in the number of accidents at work (report by the Association d’assurance accident). Our work has no direct influence on security against terrorist threats, other organisations are responsible for this.

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